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PDC lightning rod (priming device)PDC lightning rod (priming device) PDC lightning rod (priming device)

PDC lightning rod (priming device)PDC lightning rod (priming device) PDC lightning rod (priming device)


61 in stock

Regular price $2,066.33 USD
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The efficiency of a Lightning Rod with Priming Device is based on the difference (ΔT), measured in the laboratory, between the emission time of an ascending tracer of a PDC and that of a simple spike. Our PDCs launch an ascending tracer with some time in advance, thus channeling the lightning discharge and preventing this lightning from falling on another point of the structure and causing damage.

Lightning anticipation capabilities:

15 microseconds
30 microseconds
45 microseconds
60 microseconds

  • Stock Disponible
  • Capacitación Premium
  • Cotizaciones En tiempo
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